Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Another finished project for the Joy in the New Year Challenge! Number 4! Whoo hoo!

When I saw this pattern, I figured it would be a great learning project for me to tackle how to knit in the round - on double points! It took me a few tries, but I finally got the hang of it and I must admit... I Love knitting in the round!!

The pattern, created by Leslie Friend, says to cast on 34, but I cast on 38 because my gauge was off. They fit great, just like a glove should, or in this case, fingerless mittens. I believe I used a size 7 dpn.I used some yarn that I had originally purchased to make a hat (crocheted) but never got around to it. It is a nice blend of wool and cotton which makes it oh so soft and warm! I only used one skein for both of these mitts (about 50 grams) so I need to come up with something to make out of the other one.


  1. Those are so pretty and very Christmasy! Love them! I've yet to try working in the round. It scares me to think of it, LOL.

  2. Oh, they're darling. Will you teach me how?

  3. ooh...these are so pretty! That yarn looks lovely...I'll have to check it out the next time I'm at the store.

    Knitting with dpns still always trips me up when I start...they can be so fiddly!
