Tuesday, July 20, 2010

White Dishcloths!

Lots and lots of white dishcloths, per a request! I have been busy making dishcloths out of white, white and more white. After I made the first one out of my favorite pattern, I realized that the white yarn really needed a more interesting pattern. So I whipped up the following patterns.

Flying GeeseBasket Weave - I don't have a pattern for this one, but I cast on 35, did five rows of seed stitch, then I started the pattern by doing k1, p1,k1,p1,k1, k5, p5,k5,p5,k5, k1, p1,k1,p1,k1. And then do the opposite for the next row. (knit first five sts in seed stitch, the p5,k5,p5,k5,p5, last 5 sts in seed stitch). I did six rows before switching the stitches, thus making the basket weave pattern. I think it turned out a little too small, maybe next time I'd do 6 or 7 sts per square instead.

I found this pattern, which is very similar with the exception of the border and # of sts. You get the idea though.Waffle Knit - Another absolute favorite pattern of mine.
Bark Sedge - a simple pattern repeated (row 2) as such:

Chain 33.
Row 1: Skip 2 chains (counts as single crochet), work 2 double crochet in next chain, *skip 2 chains, work
(single crochet, 2 double crochet) in next chain; repeat from * to last 3 chains, skip 2 chains, single crochet
in last chain – 10 (single crochet, 2 double crochet) pattern repeats.
Row 2: Chain 1 (counts as single crochet), turn, 2 double crochet in first single crochet, *skip 2 double
crochet, (single crochet, 2 double crochet) in next single crochet; repeat from * across, single crochet in
turning chain.

I finished this one off with a simple HDC border. This pattern is actually very similar to the pattern I used on the placemats I made. I actually had a few other "new to me" patterns that I was going to try, but never got around to it. Maybe sometime in the near future.

After all those white dishcloths, I decided to knit a couple for my kitchen. Because, we all know, I'm addicted to this pattern!


Crafty Christina said...

Thanks for including the patterns! They look so crisp in white. I think I'd be sad to use and dirty them!

Rebekah said...

these look fantastic in white! I really want to make that flying geese pattern

alpinekleins said...

These are wonderful - I love the white in different patterns - great look :) ((hugs))